Accelerate Your Victory Now
It’s time for you to slay your giant and receive your heavenly rewards. Using the story of David’s defeat of Goliath as a backdrop, T.D. Jakes’ inspirational teaching “Bigger Than You Think” reveals how God prepares you for big-time promotion using the small things of life. With your gift in support of changing lives with the Gospel, you’ll receive the audio and digital access teaching as well as the accompanying “Dream Bigger” guided journal.
Your Key to Faith that Overcomes
Don’t delay moving toward God’s best for you. With your most generous gift of $90 or more, receive Bishop’s classic bestselling book “Destiny.” For amplified motivation, you’ll also receive the “Unshakable Faith” prayer tin and encouragement cards. You’ll also receive “Bigger Than You Think” on audio and digital access and the “Dream Bigger” guided journal.
Overcome the adversity with …
• Targeted scriptures
• Empowering confessions
• Specific prayer requests
• And more!
This month’s offer includes the “Bigger Than You Think” CD teaching and digital access, “Dream Bigger” guided journal, Bishop’s classic bestselling book “Destiny,” and the “Unshakable Faith” prayer tin and encouragement cards.
P.S. Your generous support spreads the Gospel and helps at-risk families with practical resources and on-time humanitarian aid. Thank you for changing lives!
Thank you for supporting the worldwide outreaches of T.D. Jakes Ministries! You are a blessing to each soul impacted through The Potter’s Touch broadcast, our online and global outreach ministries, and our live events. We love you and are praying for you.